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Yellow tubes for clean rooms

Yellow tubes for clean rooms

It is suitable for places where photosensitive materials are stored, such as semiconductor factories, LCD panel factories, digital cameras and video cameras, soft and hard circuit boards, and areas where blue light, purple light and red light cannot be generated in the work area... and other industries.


The special filter material can effectively filter wavelengths below 530 nanometers (um) without harmful light such as ultraviolet rays. It can replace the traditional yellow light tubes dedicated to clean rooms. It will not cause high pollution in the production area due to damage and saves at least electricity. More than 50%, 100% recyclable, environmentally friendly, without any mercury content, can react quickly with electricity, and has no flickering problem.

​Product Specifications

Yellow tubes for clean rooms
​Optoelectronics Business Group

​半導體黃光製程用照明、工業照明、一般照明、植物生長燈、車用警示燈控制照明系統、拉力賽賽車鋰鐵電池、鐵道救援能源系統、增強實境抬頭顯示器 AR HUD/HMD、電漿UVC殺菌/滅病毒模組、AIoT中繼裝置、電源管理等多種特殊應用產品、車用產品評估研發生產驗證安裝、可靠性試驗以及車廠應對

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